CWC/CHQ/10. 15-06-2010.
The CHQ Office Bearers/Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries,
Dear Comrades,
The Central Working Committee Meeting of our Union was successfully held at Kalyan (Maharastra) from from 3rd to 5th June 2010,under the Presidentship of Comrades J.A.Ghodke CHQ President/ N.R.Malivya Vice-President CHQ. C.W.C. Inaugurated by Smt Rajeshwari choudry, Mayor Ulas Nagara Palika, Com. D.K.Rahate President NFPE, Com. Mangesh Parab, AGS & CS P3, Com. K.K. Sharma, Vice President NFPE, and others
also attended and addressed the CWC. and Felicitation programme to Com J.A.Ghodke CHQ President arranged by Maharastra Circle in a Grand manner in the Open session.
Subject Committee : The subject committee after formally adopting the agenda of the central working committee. the report to the central working committee meeting were formally placed for the adoption of the house. There
upon the agenda items from number 1 to 7 were clubbed together and the General Secretary, Com. P.Suresh initiated the discussion. All the Circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers participated in a lively discussion.
The meeting discussed staff problems, Drop the move to outsource any function of the DoP including on the recommendations of McKinsey, negative moves of merger of RMS Divisions, merger of SROs with Post offices, merger/abolition of RMS office /Transit Sections/ Record offices in violation of agreement between the
Directorate and staff side, Outsourcing of MMS functions to Private Contractors, revision of OTA and OSA
rates, non sanction of single MSE/ Mailguard vacancies for 2006-07-08 and organisational issues in length.
The CWC held purposeful discussions on problems, Membership verification and took appropriate decisions.
The CWC decide upon to launch an programme of action Divisional/Circle and All India levels, including
Indefinite Strike exclusive on burning issues of RMS /MMS , and retrograde policies of the Postal Board
officers. CWC decided to go for direct action after taking appropriate decisions in the ensuing NFPE Federal Council in June 2010. CWC decided to intensify The Indefinite Strike by Postal JCA is only to end this
suffocation and sufferings. Get United - Get into Action make the strike a resounding success
During the course of Discussion on the organisational issues the retirement of Com. J.A.Ghodke CHQ
President CWC unanimously decided that the Com. J.A.Ghodke will continue as CHQ president
organisationally till the next All India Conference, and Com. N.R.Malivya V.P. President will be officially
working President of CHQ.
Next All India Conference to be held in Assam in the month of September 2011
The General Secretary Com. P.Suresh summed up the debate at the end. The CWC discussed the
following items also and took appropriate decisions:
1. Filling up all M.S.E.( earlier group’D’) posts from GDS/Casual Labourers employees 75% & 25% with out any abolition under screening committee, as per the Earnakulam Hon’ble CAT/ Kerala High Court Judjement.
(a) filling up of Mailguard vacancies.
2. Providing Full Bogie/SLR accommodation to all RMS Sections.
3. Grant of four more chances in appearing in the LGO Examination for Mailguards and M.S.E.
4. Revised the syllabus of LGO Examination.
5. Providing adequate man power to all RMS and MMS units.
6. Providing pathways at all Railway Stations where RMS units are functioning.
7. Allotment of adequate funds for various heads like OTA, Medical and TA etc. including clearance of pendency.
8. Improvement of functioning of P &T and CGHS dispensaries.
9. Supply of Good Quality cloth uniform and other kit items like, Chappals, Shoes, Raincoats, and Umbrellas etc.
10. Problems of MMS like, Cleaners recruitment, Semi Skilled Pay Scale ,ACP promotions etc.
11. Early finalisation of Recruitment Rules for upgraded Group 'C' in PB-1 with 1800 GP – Ensure present system of absorption of GDS and TS CLS in Group 'D' posts into the new RR without insisting for the educational qualification – Filling up all the posts of Multi Tasking Staff without any delay.
12. Implement Supreme Court Orders for revision of wages from 1.1.2006 [6th CPC wages] to all RRR Candidates, Casual Labourers, Contingent staff, GDS Substitutes etc – Grant Temporary Status to eligible Full Time Status Casual labourers; Convert Part Time into Full Time; Absorb Full Time, Part Time, contingent in vacant GDS Posts.
13. Comprehensive Cadre restructuring of /Mailguard/Multi Task Staff.
14. Revision of OTA rates:- It is resolved There was no revision in regard OTA rates since 5th CPC and our union resolved to request to revise OTA rates keeping in view of arbitration awards and pay scales accepted by the 6th CPC.
15. Revision of OSA rates :- it is resolved to request for revision of OSA rates keeping in view the pay scales implemented in 6th CPC. and price hike of the days to meet the necessities
16. Manning of Transit Sections by Mail guards only :- It is resolved manned by Mailguards in All Transit Sections, in all circles HSG/LSG Sorting Assistants officials are manning some sections where there is no work load. And also some sections two Mail Agents are working were there is no justification for two Mail Agents. In all circles, there is heavy OTA expenditure in Group’ C’ and Group ‘D’ almost there is no OT including for Mailguards cadre, further in the short term vacancies of Group ‘D’ and Mailguards substitutes a being arranged without incurring OT, where as necessarily OT has to be incurred in place of Group ‘C’ on several occasions , the Mail Agent post kept vacant even in sections. In view, of the above facts, the CHQ union requests the Director General of Posts to review the above issue and replace the Mail Agents by Mailguards in transit sections as per Mohinder Singh formula and replaced Mailagents can be arranged in mail offices to avoid OT.
The CHQ in this connection thanks the reception committee for its good arrangements. The Reception Committee: Com. Sanap Divisional President, Com Baleyrao Divisional Secretary Central Sorting Division and their team made excellent arrangements for lodging and boarding of the participants for CWC members, Guests and Visitors of the CWC meeting. The CWC congratulates the Reception Committee for its successful conduct of the CWC and we extend our sincere thanks to the reception committee each and every member of Central Sorting Division and Maharastra Circle.
All Branch /Division Secretaries are requested to bring the contents of the circular to all members.
Yours Fraternally
General Secretary R IV
GDS Demand for Inclusion in 8th CPC:
2 days ago
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