37th All India Conference of All India RMS & MMS Employees union, Mailguards and Multi Tasking Staff Group’C’ was held from 25th to 27th May 2022 The following office –bearers were elected unanimously for the next session. President Com.. S.N.Jadhav MTS Mumbai Air Mail Sorting Division- ( Maharastra) Vice-President 1 Com.. B.Paranthaman MTS Chennai Sorting Division ( Tamilnadu) Vice-President 2 Com. R.N.Mahanty MG RMS BG Division Bharampur (Odisha) Vice-President 3 Com. B.J.Chouan MTS RMS W Vadadora (Gujarat) General Secretary Com.. K.Mukatar Ahmed MG RMS Z Division (Telangana) Assistant General 1 Com. Naveen Kumar MTS Delhi Sorting Division ( Delhi) Secretaries. 2 Com. R.S.Suresh Kumar MG RMS TV Division Trivandrum (Kerala) 3 Com Saket Behari Gupta MG RMS O Division Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) 4 Com. Laxminaryana MTS Benguluru Sorting Division (Karnataka) 5 Com. T.Kannaiah MG RMS TP Division Tirupathi (Andhra Pradesh) 6 Com. Elumalai MTS Chennai APSO Division (Tamilnadu) 7 Com. Vittal Abinave MTS RMS B Division Pune ( Maharastra) 8 Com. Tarun Kumar Panja MTS RMS WB Division Howrah ( West Bengal) 9 Com. Abdul Khadeer SS MMS Hyderabad Division ( Telangana) Treasurer Com. Ramesh Chand MTS Airmail Sorting Division (Delhi) Federal Councillors 1 Com. Raju Chakraborty (Assam) 11. Com. G.N.Anantha Ramu ( Karnataka) 2 Com. LelaDhar Pandey (Chattisgarh 12. Com A.K.Singh (Delhi) 3 Com Ragavendra Paswan (Bihar) 13. Com P.Sathaiah (Telangana) 4 Com. Ravi Kumar (Punjab) 14. Com P.P..Radha Krishna (Kerala) 5 Com. Rohit Saini (Haryana) 15 .Com R.K.Mahanti (Maharastra) 6 Com. Ashik Ansari (Jharkhand) 7 Com Ravi Kumar (Tamilnadu) 8 Com.Rahut Chougad (Madhya Pradesh) 9 Com. Rahul Sharma (Rajasthan) 10 Com. G,S,Sastry (Telangana)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Standardization of Nomenclature of Mails Offices

Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Mail Business (Development & Operations) Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001

No.12-1/2013-D                                                               Dated: 28.02.2013


Sub: Standardization of Nomenclature of Mails Offices and Rationalization of number of Mail Business Centres (MBCs)/Business Post Centres (BPCs)

The matter relating to standardization of nomenclature for various categories of mail offices as well as the need for rationalization of number of Mail Business Centres (MBCs)/ Business Post Centres (BPCs) was under consideration of the Directorate. This was necessitated by operational complexities being faced on account of functional overlap between mail offices and increased possibility of misrouting of mail due to lack of standardized nomenclature.

2.       After a review, the following instructions are issued with respect to standardized nomenclature for mail offices  and rationalization of number of BPCs/MBCs.

(a)     The nomenclature of mail offices across the county would be as follows:

(i)          Sorting mail offices located at Railway station: XXX RMS (e.g. Lucknow RMS)

(ii)         Sorting mail offices located at Airport premised/near the airport: XXX APSO (e.g. Chennai APSO, for Chennai Airport Sorting Office)

(iii)        Sorting mail office not located at Railway Station or Airport premises/near the airport: XXX Sorting (e.g. Panvel Sorting)

(iv)       Transit Mail Office (TMO) located at Railway Station: XXX RSTMO (e.g. Hazrat Nizamuddin RSTMO)

(v)         TMO located at Airport/near Airport: XXX APTMO (e.g. Chennai APTMC)

(vi)       TMO located at Bus Stand/Station: XXX BSTMO (e.g. Bangalore Bus Station TMO)

(vii)      Automated Mail Processing Centre (AMPC) wherever such centres exist/to be set up: AMPC XXX (AMPC Delhi).

(viii)     Book Now Pay Later (BNPL) Processing Centres for Speed Post with direct bag closing facility for Sorting hubs: BNPL SP Hub XXX (e.g. BNPL SP Hub Kashmiri Gate, BNPL SP Hub BPC Anna Road)

(ix)       The existing nomenclature for Paper Sorting Offices PSOs) would continued as XXX PSO (e.g. Chennai PSO)

(b)     Name of the city/town should be suffixed to the name of the office so standardized for clarity in case of offices not having the name of the city. Standard nomenclature should be used on bag labels, manifests/mail lists, correspondence etc. The signage/name board of the mail offices/TMO should also carry standardized nomenclature and should be prepared in accordance with guidelines contained in the Corporate Branding Manual of the Department.

(c)     Mail office would no more be called Mail Business Centre (MBC). Wherever mail offices have been named as MBCs, the name of such offices should be restored as “XXX RMS” or “XXX Sorting” as the case may be. All MBCs opened in the past in addition to the BPCs may be closed/merged with the BPCs concerned. Delivery of mail to the bulk addressee may be done through Speed Post Sorting Hub/Intra-Circle Hub for Speed Post, through CRCs for Registered mail and through mail offices for unregistered mail wherever necessary. Accordingly a list of mail offices and BPCs may be sent in the form of ‘MIS on mail operations’.

(d)     The number of Business Post Centres (after closure/merger of MBCs) may further be rationalized by the Circles in order to eliminate/minimize fragmentation in processing of such mail.

          Receipt of this O.M may be acknowledged to Shri M.B.Gajbhiye, ADG (MO). An action report on standardized nomenclature, with a list of all mail offices (including BPCs) may be sent within 60days of receipt of this memo.

                                                                       Director (Mail Management)

All Chief Postmaster(s) General
All Postmaster(s) General

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