37th All India Conference of All India RMS & MMS Employees union, Mailguards and Multi Tasking Staff Group’C’ was held from 25th to 27th May 2022 The following office –bearers were elected unanimously for the next session. President Com.. S.N.Jadhav MTS Mumbai Air Mail Sorting Division- ( Maharastra) Vice-President 1 Com.. B.Paranthaman MTS Chennai Sorting Division ( Tamilnadu) Vice-President 2 Com. R.N.Mahanty MG RMS BG Division Bharampur (Odisha) Vice-President 3 Com. B.J.Chouan MTS RMS W Vadadora (Gujarat) General Secretary Com.. K.Mukatar Ahmed MG RMS Z Division (Telangana) Assistant General 1 Com. Naveen Kumar MTS Delhi Sorting Division ( Delhi) Secretaries. 2 Com. R.S.Suresh Kumar MG RMS TV Division Trivandrum (Kerala) 3 Com Saket Behari Gupta MG RMS O Division Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) 4 Com. Laxminaryana MTS Benguluru Sorting Division (Karnataka) 5 Com. T.Kannaiah MG RMS TP Division Tirupathi (Andhra Pradesh) 6 Com. Elumalai MTS Chennai APSO Division (Tamilnadu) 7 Com. Vittal Abinave MTS RMS B Division Pune ( Maharastra) 8 Com. Tarun Kumar Panja MTS RMS WB Division Howrah ( West Bengal) 9 Com. Abdul Khadeer SS MMS Hyderabad Division ( Telangana) Treasurer Com. Ramesh Chand MTS Airmail Sorting Division (Delhi) Federal Councillors 1 Com. Raju Chakraborty (Assam) 11. Com. G.N.Anantha Ramu ( Karnataka) 2 Com. LelaDhar Pandey (Chattisgarh 12. Com A.K.Singh (Delhi) 3 Com Ragavendra Paswan (Bihar) 13. Com P.Sathaiah (Telangana) 4 Com. Ravi Kumar (Punjab) 14. Com P.P..Radha Krishna (Kerala) 5 Com. Rohit Saini (Haryana) 15 .Com R.K.Mahanti (Maharastra) 6 Com. Ashik Ansari (Jharkhand) 7 Com Ravi Kumar (Tamilnadu) 8 Com.Rahut Chougad (Madhya Pradesh) 9 Com. Rahul Sharma (Rajasthan) 10 Com. G,S,Sastry (Telangana)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Red Salute to Comrade A.B.Bardhan

Towering Leader of Left in India Comrade A.B.Bardhan No More

Veteran Communist Party of India leader Com. A.B. Bardhan, ...92, is survived by son Ashok and daughter Alka. His wife, a professor in Nagpur University, died in1986....
Com.Bardhan, who lived in the CPI headquarters in the national capital, was admitted to the hospital on December 7 after he felt uneasiness and lost consciousness, died here on Saturday night after prolonged illness.
Com.Ardhendu Bhushan Bardhan has been a leading figure of the trade union movement and Left politics in Maharashtra. Bardhan entered the electoral politics in 1957 when he won as an Independent candidate in Maharashtra Assembly polls but there failed to achieve success in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha polls.
He later rose to become the General Secretary and then President of All India Trade Union Congress, the oldest trade union in India.
Com. Bardhan had moved to Delhi politics in 1990s and became the Deputy General Secretary of CPI. He succeeded Com.Indrajit Gupta as General Secretary of the party in 1996.He is a great leader who fought for the cause of downtrodden and working class, decades together."Red salute, Comrade Bardhan.
Comrade A.B.Bardhan one of the towering leaders of Indian Left Movement has breathed  his last on 2nd January, 2016. It is very sorrowful to see that the dawn of the New Year 2016 comes with the shocking news of the demise of Comrade Bardhan. We can remember that Comrade Bardhan played a major role in unifying the left forces in India as well as the trade union movement in India. The coming together of all trade unions in one platform is a prerequisite to put up a strong offensive against neo-liberlism that is attacking the interests of all sections of working people all over the world. Comrade Bardhan's demise is an irreparable loss to the Indian Working Class, Indian People. R4 NFPE CHQ pays its profound homage to the departed leader Comrade Bardhan! We dip our banner and flag in respect of Comrade Bardhan!

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