The periodical meeting
with NFPE affiliated unions was held on 29/11/2012 in the Committee Room, Dak
Bhavan, New Delhi under the chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts). The
following were present:-
Official Side
1. Smt. Manjula Prashar,
Secretary (Posts) - Chairperson.
2. Ms. P. Gopinath, Member
3. Sh. Kamleshwar Prasad, Member
4. Ms. Yesodhara Memon, Member
5. Sh. S. Sarkar, Member
6 Ms. Kaveri Banerjee, Member
7. Sh. S.K. Sinha, CGM (MB &
8. Ms. Kalpana Tiwari, CGM (BD
9. Ms. Saroj Punhani, JS &FA
10. Sh. A. S. Prasad, DDG (FS)
11. Tilak De, DDG (Estates)
12. Sh. Alok Saxena, DDG(Estt)
13. Sh. Manish Sinha, DDG(PAF)
14. Sh. L. N. Sharma,DDG (Training)
15. Sh. Rajkumar, Director (Staff)
16. Sh. Arun Malik, Director (SR
& Legal)
17. Sh. V.C. Kajla, Consultant
Staff Side
Sh. T. Satyanarayanan, Sh P. Bhattacharjee , Sh P. Suresh
Sh. Giri Raj Singh, Sh K.P. Singh, Sh M. Krishnan Sh R. Sivannarayan
Sh Balwinder Singh Sh.I. S. Dabas
The Chairperson welcomed all the Members and
permitted to take the agenda without wasting time. After deliberations on
each item, following decisions were taken:-
S.L. No.
Name of the
Decision taken
Action ,if any to be
taken by
All India Postal Employees Union Gr. ‘C’
Filling up the Posts of APM Accounts &
Promotional avenue to Accounts line officials
Discussed. It was explained
that there is no separate Accountant cadre. They are
borne on the cadre of General Line. Further, date of passing the Accountant
examination cannot be reckoned as date of seniority
Item closed
Non grant of Training allowance for
instructors posted in WCTC of regional headquarters.
The proposal relating to grant of training
allowance @ of 15% of the basic pay to the trainers in WCTC has been taken up
with the Department of Personnel and Training.
DDG (Training).
Bringing all the Senior / Chief postmasters’
posts under the Postmasters cadre hireachical line.
. The item was discussed and was not agreed
to, as Postmasters cadre is distinct from IP cadre and Postmasters’ cadre has
its own promotional hireachy.
Item closed
All India RMS and MMS Employees Union
Fixation of Norms for CRCs, EPP, Logistic
and SPCs etc
It was explained that these are work study
norms and have been fixed after detailed study. However, Staff side may
indicate the specific instance wherever there is a problem. CPMG
concerned will be addressed to strengthen manpower, if justified.
Staff side
Stop privatization / out sourcing.
It was explained that there is no surplus
staff. Heads of Circles have been emphasized to outsource works with
expertise as per the administrative exigency subject to Department having
complete control over the operations, data, assets and security. Further,
regular vacancies are not filled through outsourcing.
Item closed
Provide adequate Motor Vehicles for
conveyance of mails / logistics etc., and fill up vacant posts in MMS.
(a) It was informed that the proposal
for replacement of 105 condemned vehicles has been taken up.
(b) Detailed instructions have been issued
by the Directorate to all the Circles for filling up the vacant posts of
All India Postal
Employees Union Postmen and MSE Gr.’D’.
Bottlenecks for efficient Delivery.
Norms for various items in respect of
Postmen Establishment based on the intensive scientific work study conducted
by IWSU were communicated to all the Circles in 2010. Recently in July,
2012 also the revised norms have been circulated in which the time factor has
been increased for less congested areas. However, it was decided that
DDG (Estt) will himself visit three representative beats in Delhi and
Haryana Circles to be intimated by the Staff side to assess the position
Staff side
DDG (Estt)
Grant of incentive for delivery of Aadhar
The proposal is under consideration and the
decision will be communicated shortly regarding grant of incentive for
delivery of Aadhar cards.
Timely payment of individual claims.
This matter may be taken up at
Divisional Office level.
Item closed
All India RMS & MMS Employees Union,
Mail Guards and MTS
Supply of shoe instead of chappals to the
staff who are eligible for uniform
The consent of all Group ‘D’
employees for wearing shoes will be submitted by the Staff side. On
receipt of the same the proposal will be examined.
(Estates & MM)
Request for imparting training to
non-matriculate Gr.D Canteen employees in Delhi and Assam Circles.
The Department of Posts has no objection to
the proposal. However, it is a time barred case, and approval of Department
of Expenditure is required for which the proposal will be submitted
Filling up of Multi Tasking Staff vacancies
in accordance with the latest Recruitment rules
The RRs have since been amended and
notified. The examination scheme and syllabus to fill up posts of MTS have
also been notified. Posts will be filled up as per revised calendar of
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
Recruitment in Postal Accounts Offices.
The proposal will be examined within a
period of one month.
Implement the Hon. Principal CAT, Delhi
order in OA 1066/2011 filed by AIPAEA.
As per the directions of Hon. CAT, speaking
order has been issued. Request of the staff side for referring the
proposal to DOPT does not have merit.
Item closed
Financial upgra-dation (ACP) as per the
existing hierarchy in the Post Accounts to the officials appointed through
surplus cell.
The detailed proposal may be sent to
DDG(PAF) for consideration
All India Postal SBCO Employees Association
Regarding mis-utilization of PA (SBCO)
It was explained that the work of
reconciliation of balances, settlement of OMs going on in the Circles has
become mandatory. However, role of SBCO will be redefined after
introduction of CBS
Request for reevaluation of the issue of
administrative control over SBCO staff.
Since India Post Technology project will
have a major impact on SBCO functioning, it was explained that the status quo
for the SBCO cadre will be maintained for the time being.
Regarding maintenance of RD ledgers for HO
/ SOs in V2SBCO
It was explained that the maintenance of
duplicate ledgers of all schemes will be dispensed with once CBS is
All India Postal Admn. Officers’ Employees
Union Gr. ‘D’
Fixation of pay of MTS (Gr.C officials) who
were granted ACP-I and ACP-II upgradation prior to 01/01/2006.
It was informed that the issue is
currently under examination in consultation with DoP&T.
Providing norms for BD, Technology, RTI
oriented works and Project Arrow works done by the Co and ROs and arrangement
for manning the BD section exclusively.
It was explained that it is not feasible to
fix any work norms for RTI oriented works which is statutory in nature.
Further, no additional manpower can be provided for BD, Technology, Project
Arrow and RTI oriented works.
Item closed
Filling up vacant Posts in the cadre of
PACO, holding DPC for LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I Grades.
It was explained that :-
(a) Instructions have been
issued to all Circles to ensure promotion / upgradation whenever it becomes
due to them and also follow the calendar for holding the DPC meetings.
(b) The revised RRs
for PACO and PASBCO have been approved by the Secretary (Posts) and sent to
Ministry of Law for vetting. Once the revised RRs are notified, further
process will start.
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