Minutes of the Meeting held on 12.07.2010 to consider Charter of Demands given by the Staff side along with their notice of indefinite strike w.e.f. 13.07.2010. Meeting was held under the chairpersonship of Secretary (P), in which the following were present:
Official Side
1. Shri P.K. Gopinath, Member Postal Services Board
2. Ms. Kalpana Tiwari, CGM (MB&O)
3. Ms. Suneeta Trivedi, CGM(BD &M)
5. Shri A.K. Sharma, DDG (Estt)
6. Shri Shri Salim Haque, DDG (P)
7. Shri Y.P. Rai, DDG (RB)
8. Shri P.K. Sinha, DDG (PAF)
9. Shri N.K. Tyagi, CE (Civil)
10. Shri Subhash Chander, Director (SR & Legal)
Staff Side
1. Shri D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO.
2. Shri R.N. Parashar, Asstt. Secretary General, NFPE.
3. Shri K.V. Sridharan, General Secretary, AIPE Union Class. III
4. Shri D. Kishan Rao, General Secretary, NAPE Group ‘C’.
7. Shri Giri Raj Singh, General Secretary, AI RMS&MMS EU Group ‘C’.
5. Shri Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, AIPEU Postmen & MSE/Group ‘D’
6. Shri T.N. Rahate, General Secretary, NUPE Postmen & Gr ‘D’
8. Shri P Suresh, General Secretary, AIRMS & MMS Employees Union, Mailguard and Multi Skilled employees
9. Shri A. H. Siddique, General Secretary, NU RMS & MMS Employees, Mail Guards and Multi-skilled Employees.
10. Shri Pranab Bhattacharjee, General Secretary, Admn (NFPE).
11. Shri O.P. Khanna, General Secretary, Admn (FNPO)
12. Shri P. Rajanayagam, General Secretary, AIPAEA.
13. Shri S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, AIPEDEU
14. Shri P.U. Muralidharan, General Secretary, NUGDS.
Secretary General of NFPE and Assistant Secretary General of FNPO conveyed their sincere thanks for convening the meeting and there after discussion started on Charter of Demands. The action points emerging out of discussions are as follows:
Item No. 1
(a) Roll back steps of privatization of Speed Post processing, mail conveyance and data entry work.
The Chairperson made it clear that in case of bulk Speed Post articles and where there is shortage of staff, outsourcing is being done so as to ensure fast movement of articles. However, there is no such policy of the Government either in case of Speed Post articles or for other accountable articles. In the context of Staff Side reference about anti-social elements dealing with the Speed Post articles, an enquiry will be made in this regard.
(b) Cancel the order for downgradation of EDSOs to EDBOs and closure of EDBOs.
Necessary clarification on the demand of the Staff Side about drawal of increments in case of downgradation of EDSOs to EDBOs will be issued. A presentation will be arranged by Technology Branch for the Staff side to demonstrate all the technological developments that are taking place especially in the context of functioning of EDSOS/EDBOS.
(c) Cancel the decision to close down “C” Class Post Offices.
The Staff Side was informed that no such order has been issued by the Department. They were further explained that the policy of the Department was to relocate Post Offices to new areas/townships which are growing. The idea is to rationalize to meet emerging needs. Suitable instructions, in this regard, will be issued to all Heads of Circles.
(d) Outsourcing of mail conveyance.
Purchase of departmental vehicles for conveyance of mail will be pursued.
Item No. 2
(a) Stop violations in the agreements on Status quo of RMS & MMS as well as merger of RMS with less than 10,000 mails.
Reports will be called for from the Circles against the order of status quo.
(b) Create scientific norms for the work in CRC, Speed Post, Logistics and EPP.
This item will be discussed with the Staff Side in a separate meeting to be taken up by CGM (MB & O). Date and time of the meeting will be intimated by Director (SR & Legal), after consultation with CGM (MB & O).
Item No.3
(a) Holding of JCM Departmental Council Meetings and periodical meetings with Federations/Associations.
Departmental Council (JCM) Meetings and periodical meetings will be held at regular intervals.
(b) Referring the issue of discrimination of pay scales between the Telecom TBOP/BCR and Postal TBOP/BCR w.e.f. 1.1.1996 to Board of Arbitration.
This Item will be considered as a part of cadre restructuring of Group “C” employees in PA/SA cadre. In the context of cadre restructuring, the Chairperson gave direction for expeditious consideration so as to complete the process before the close of this year.
(c) Holding of GDS Committee Meetings periodically with GDS Unions.
Periodical meetings as prescribed will be held at regular intervals.
Item No.4
Stop harassment of staff under Project Arrow.
Data sent by various Circles will be subject to proper scrutiny. Heads of Circles will also be addressed to furnish correct information.
Item No.5
(a) Undertake reassessment of vacancies in PA/SA cadre (including Circle Offices) to rectify mistaken calculation of vacancies in all circles.
The position will be reviewed Circle wise for necessary follow up action to be completed before 15th August 2010. For expeditious disposal, video conferencing will be done with the concerned Heads of Circles.
(b) Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres in Department of Posts as on 31.12.2009.
Information in regard to residual vacancies remaining unfilled will be called for from all the Circles for necessary follow up action in this regard.
(c) Allow local recruitment as one time measure in Postal Accounts similar to 1997 Sundernagar.
DDG (PAF) will examine the matter in accordance with the existing rules and instructions on the subject.
Item No.6
(a) Cadre Restructuring of Group C employees (other than accounts cadre).
A Committee comprising DDG (Estt), DDG (P) and Director (SPN) and three members from Staff Side, to be nominated by them, will be constituted to examine the proposals in detail and submit recommendations. The entire process is to be completed before the close of the year.
(b) Withdrawal of order regarding cadre restructuring of Postmasters cadre until comprehensive cadre restructuring of PA/SA cadre is completed.
The Staff Side will be apprised of the details of the new Cadre.
(c) Cadre Restructuring of LDC, Sorters & DEOs in PAOs..
Necessary action to be taken by DDG (PAF).
Item No.7
(a) Grant of Pension, Departmental status to Gramin Dak Sevaks, grant of HRA/CCA, ACP including trade union rights and welfare measures.
Welfare measures in favour of Gramin Dak Sevaks viz relief in case of prolonged illness, relaxation of education assistance schemes will be placed before Postal Staff Welfare Board in its next meeting. The issues of annuity and Health Scheme have been taken up with the Nodal Ministries.
(b) Remove discrimination on bonus ceiling.
Matter is subjudice.
(c) Modify the Rs.20,000 cash handling work points for GDS BPMs – withdraw orders denying revised TRCA wef 1.1.2006 in respect of BPMs.
Matter is subjudice.
(d) Compute work norms for all types of work performed including NREGS, PLI, RPLI, Pension Payments etc to GDS.
The issue will be examined.
(e) Implement enhanced Social Security to GDS like Ex-Gratia Gratuity and Severance Amount w.e.f 1.1.2006.
The benefits were extended as per past practice.
Item No.8
(a) Grant of parity in pay Scale (PB-1 with 2400/-) for MMS Drivers on par with Drivers of Parliament Secretariat.
Staff Side was apprised that the matter was taken up with the Ministry of Finance but did not find favour.
(b) Recruitment of adequate number of drivers.
To be considered along with the issue of filling up of vacancies.
(c) Sanction of OSA for the long distance logistics van drivers of MMS.
Mail Branch will look into it. Action to be completed expeditiously.
(d) Technology training to Work Shop staff and grant of Data Entry Operator’s scale of pay to Work Shop Staff.
DDG (Trg) to take necessary action for providing technical training to Work Shop Staff.
Item No.9
(a) Revision of wages from 1.1.2006 in respect of RRR Candidates, Casual Labourers, Contingent Staff.
Issue of RRR Candidates being sub judice, no action. The case of Casual Labourers is being examined. To be followed up vigorously.
(b) Grant of temporary status to eligible full time status casual labourers, convert part time into full time, absorb full time, part time, contingent in vacant GDS Posts.
The entire issue of Casual Labourers will be looked into with the objective of liquidating their number as per policy of the Government.
Item No.10
(a) Fill up all vacancies of Postmen and Mail guards
To be considered along with filling up of all vacancies in the Department.
(b) Modify certain unscientific work norms of Postmen/MTS finalized by Work Study Unit.
The existing norms will be reviewed after six months from the date of its issue. The Circles have been addressed to give their feed back in the matter and the review process will be completed by October 2010.
(c) Enhance the Postman Double duty Allowance as per the recommendations of 6th CPC.
The entire issue of double duty allowance will be reviewed by October 2010 by a Committee. The Chairperson directed that all issue relating to Postmen will be discussed separately.
Item No.11
Remove all local anomalies in MACP Scheme like application of benchmark of the period prior to introduction of MACP Scheme; grant MACP on Average benchmark like Department of Railways; denial of regular promotion earlier to introduction of MACP.
In the context of bench mark for grant of MACP within PB-1, it was desired to issue order on the pattern of the order having been issued by Ministry of Railways, immediately. The matter will be pursued.
Item No.12
Creation of System Administrators Cadre and financial compensation for special work performed by System Administrators.
A Committee consisting of DDG (Estt), DDG (P) and DDG (Technology) will be formed to consider this aspect along with cadre restructuring of PAs/SAs. As regards grant of Road Mileage Allowance, mater is under examination.
Item No.13
Recruitment Rules for Multi Tasking Staff
The draft rules to be referred to Department of Personnel for their approval. As regards educational qualifications of existing Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual Labourers for appointment as multitasking staff, status quo will continue.
Item No.14
Amalgamation of Group C Accounts Cadre.
No action.
Item No.15
Roll back of the decentralization of PLI/RPLI – Augment required staff strength and filling up of vacant posts.
The proposal to be considered by PLI Directorate and any problem in this regard to be reported to Secretary (P) within a week.
Item No.16
Parity of scale of pay of Ministerial Cadre in Postal Civil Wing on part with the Postal Assistants and upgradation of posts of Works Clerk Grade – II/head Clerk – Filling up of all vacant posts of technical as well as ministerial posts – Creation of one Civil Wing Circle for each Postal Circle.
The Staff Side will take up this issue separately.
Item No.17
Regularize the HSG-I, HSG-II, LSG arrangements and grant Officiating Pay and Allowances to all Officials holding the posts.
The issue will be looked into afresh in view of the provision made in Postal Manual Volume IV, as stated by the Staff Side, as also in the light of prevailing instructions of the Government of India on the subject.
Item No.18
Enhance OTA and OSA rates in tune with the 6th Central Pay Commission.
The question of enhancing OTA rates stands referred to the Committee of Secretaries by the Nodal Department. The enhancement of OSA rates will be examined by Mail Branch and is to be completed within one month.
Meeting ended with Vote of Thanks to the Chair.
PJCA 8th CPC , IDC , Promotion and other issues
2 weeks ago
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