Saturday, July 4, 2020
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Monday, June 29, 2020
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Friday, June 26, 2020
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Notification - Competitive Examination for recruitment to the cadre of MTS from eligible GDS for the vacancy year 2019 (01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019) & 2020 (01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020) scheduled to be held on 02.08.2020
Ref:PF/NFPE/Lockdown Dated – 25.06.2020
The P. K. Bisoi
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Regularization of leave period to the officials who could not attend duty due to lockdown or non availability of transport facilities.
Though some instructions have been issued by DOPT and DOP with regard to regularization of leave of the officials who could not attend the duty due to lockdown or non-availability of transport facilities.
At most of the places, lower level officers are asking the officials to apply for leave which is due to him as he could not join duty under compelling circumstances due to lockdown due to COVID-19 or his residence came under Containment Zone and transport facility was restricted fully.
In such circumstances, you are requested to kindly issue comprehensive guide line to regularize the period of absence of the officials as mentioned above.
An early and positive action is highly solicited.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Ref: PF/NFPE/IPPB Dated – 25.06.2020
Shri P. K. Bisoi
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Imposition of unrealistic targets to open IPPB accounts and payments under AEPS in Corona affected areas/containment Zones.
We are receiving so many complaints from so many corners of the country that the officers at local level are allotting unrealistic targets to the employees to open the IPPB Accounts and making payments under AEPS in worst affected areas due to COVID-19. Even in containments Zones in various cities the Postal Employees including GDS are being forced to do this work.
So many employees have become infected and some have expired due to COVID-19. No adequate safety measures are provided to the officials. Opening of SB Account under IPPB and making payment under AEPS require physical contact to take thumb impression, which is too risky.
Keeping in view the above facts you are requested to kindly cause suitable instructions to all concerned to not allot unrealistic targets to open IPPB Accounts and making payment under AEPS during this period of COVID-19 pandemic and it should be restricted totally in containment Zones to save the life of poor postal employees.
Hoping for a positive response,
Yours sincerely
(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Ref: PF/NFPE/COVID-19 Dated – 25.06.2020
Shri. P. K. Bisoi
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Sub: - Appointment to the ward of deceased Postal Employees due to COVID-19 disease.
As you are aware that at some places, Postal Employees including GDS have expired due to COVID-19. After death of earning member, family comes under great trouble.
Though we have come to know that your good self has issued instructions to all Chief PMGs to settle the claims and pensioner matters of such deceased employees on priority basis for which this union convey thanks to you.
But to mitigate the problems of family of deceased employee, it is very much required that a ward of the deceased employees may kindly be given appointment relaxing the norms under relaxation of Recruitment rules as early as possible.
It is therefore requested to kindly cause suitable instructions in this regard so that the family of the deceased employee may get relief.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary GeneralTuesday, June 23, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
For new enrolment and change of union/modification can be done on the previousform of Check off System i.e. Letter of authorization.
Therefore please start the process and collect letter of authorization for new membership enrolment and change of union/modification.
Reference Directorate F. No. – 13-01/2020-SR dated 29.05.2020 and 29.04.2020 (Again published for ready reference).
Last date of submission is 30th June 2020.

Saturday, June 13, 2020
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Friday, June 5, 2020
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Important date for Departmental Examination 2020
Inspector of Post Exam 2020
Exam Name -GDS/MTS to Postman Mail Guard (Vacancy Year 2020)
Vacancy= Jan 2019 to Dec 2020Exam Name - GDS to MTS (Vacancy Year 2020)
Notification Date=09-09-2020
Last date of application=29-09-2020
Date of examination 24 & 25-10- 2020
Date of Result= 24-12-2020
Notification Date - 18.06.2020Exam Name - GDS/Postman/Mail Guard to PA/SA (Vacancy Year 2020)
Application -23.06.2020 to 13.07.2020
Date of Exam - 02.08.2020
Date for declaration result - 01.10.2020
Notification Date - 23.07.2020
Application -From 28.07.2020 to 17.08.2020
Date of Exam - 06.09.2020
Date for declaration result - 05.11.2020
Exam Name -GDS/MTS to Postman Mail Guard (Vacancy Year 2020)
Notification Date - 11.08.2020
Application -From 17.08.2020 to 07.09.2020
Date of Exam - 27.09.2020
Date for declaration result - 26.11.2020
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Monday, May 25, 2020
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Neither the medicines are available nor the doctor. In the case of those employees, who are entitled for the benefit of CS(MA) rules, the situation was much more precarious in as much as no private clinic was allowed to be open and the AMAs are not allowed private practice.-Secretary, JCM Staff side, writes to Government.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Monday, May 11, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail:
Mob: 9718686800/9319917295 website:
No. PF-Covid-19/2020 Dated: 08th May, 2020
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan ,
New Delhi-110 001
Sub: Outsourcing of the work performed by Postal employees to Common Service Centre (CSC) -- Request to withdraw the proposed move to implement pilot projects in selected Post offices.
We are really shocked to learn that the Department of Posts has decided to permit the Common Service Centre (CSC), a public private partnership company, to open their counters inside the departmental Post office buildings. It is learnt that CSC will provide following Postal Services to the public through their Customer Service Centres, which will be integrated and synchronised with the Core System Integrator (CSI) of the Department of Posts.
1. Booking of Registered and Speed post articles.
2. Booking of eMO.
3. Acceptance of deposits in Post office Savings Bank accounts.
4. Acceptance of PLI and RPLI proposals and premiums.
As you are aware, the above work is at present performed by the Post office staff. Outsourcing the work to an outside agency on revenue sharing basis, will adversely affect the workload of Post offices which in turn will adversely affect the job security of Post office staff.
We vehemently oppose the unilateral and retrograde decision of the Department of Posts to outsource the functions of the Post offices to outside agency. We demand the Secretary, Department of Posts, to review the decision and withdraw the orders forthwith.
We further like to make it clear that , inspite of our objection , if the Department goes ahead with its decision to outsource the Post office functions , we will be constrained to organise agitational programmes without any further notice.
Awaiting positive response,
With regards,
Yours Sincerely,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Friday, April 24, 2020
All India Trade
Union Congress
AITUC Bhawan:
35-36, DDU Marg, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi – 110002
E Mail: Tel:
+91 1123217320
Request for coverage in the media
Date: 24.04.2020
statement was issued by Comrade Amarjeet Kaur- General secretary AITUC to the
Press today
deplores the policy of Central Government to transfer all the burden of its own
mis-management of Economy to the Working Class
protests against the arbitrary decision of the BJP led NDA Government to freeze
the Dearness Allowance (DA) due to the Central Government Employees and
DR due to the Pensioners.
shelter under the umbrella of COVID-19 Virus, every day the Govt. is taking one
or other decisions to attack the working class of the country who are already
in deep crisis, distress after the lockdown in the country. AITUC has made
several representations to the Labour Minister in this regard as well as about
the violations of the government’s advisories, but in vain.
The latest attack of the Govt. is the freezing of DA to Central Govt. Employees
and its pensioners. The Cabinet already approved during the month of March 2020
to release 4% additional DA to the Central Govt. Employees and Pensioners in
accordance with the increase in All India Consumer Price Index(Workers).
Instead of issuing the Govt. order to implement the decision, the Ministry of
Finance issued an order on 23/04/2020 freezing of DA of Central Govt. Employees
numbering 48 lakhs (including Armed Forces) and 65 Lakhs pensioners which
includes 60%, Ex-serviceman who defended the country during their service life.
DA is not a gift of the Govt. DA is paid to the employees only to
compensate the cost of living and to protect the wages from erosion
in the real value on account of inflation. Govt. has got no moral
authority to freeze the DA of the Central Govt. Employees & Pensioners. By
not paying the increased DA to the Govt. Employees & Pensioners for 18
months the Govt. is saving more than 50,000 Crores. This savings will go to
whom ?, whether to the Corporate Houses or to the suffering workers of this
country ?
government is not contemplating to withdraw any of the tax concessions
including the recently reduced Corporate Tax which benefitted them to the tune
of Rs One Lakh Forty Five Thousands crores (1.45 lakh crores) given to the Big
Corporates. The Government had in the last five and half years written of the
loans of these Corporates to the tune of Rs seven lakh and seventy thousands
(7,70,000 crores) of crores. Above all that there are more than Rupees 13
lakh crores of pending loans called NPAs to be recovered from these Corporate
houses. It is the fact on parliament records that the tax recovery to the tune
of Rs 8 lakh and 90,000 crores is pending in which the major defaulters again
are these Corporates. This is also on record in parliament that 36 rich
business entities left the country in the last 5 years fleecing our banks to
the tune of more than one lakh crore rupees.
The Government has got no programme to curtail the price rise on essential
commodities. Instead of freezing the price rise, Govt. is squeezing the
employees. It is the Central Govt. & State Govt. employees who are in
the frontline in the field fighting against the dangerous COVID-19 Virus. They
are under severe risk and the Govt. is not able to provide even the required
Personal Protective Equipments to them. When the Private Corporate Houses
have gone hiding during this lockdown period, it is the Govt. Employees
in the Health Department, Defence, Railways, Postal, Power, Oil, Coal etc., are
in the field to provide services and to prevent the spread the COVID-19 Virus.
The Govt. instead of recognizing the services of the Central Govt. Employees
and Pensioners have started punishing them economically. The Central Govt.
Employees have already contributed their one day wages to the PM-CARES Fund,
which is a big amount. This huge amount will go to whom, whether to
Corporate Houses or to the suffering workers of this country. This is the doubt
of the people of the country.
AITUC opposes the arbitrary and drastic decision taken by the Modi Govt.
against its own employees and pensioners. The AITUC urges upon the Govt. of
India to immediately withdraw this anti labour decision. The AITUC extends its
support and solidarity to all the Central Govt. Employees and Pensioners in
their protest against the arbitrary and unjustified decision of the Govt.
Amarjeet Kaur
General Secretary AITUC
M: 9810144958
The Centre of Indian Trade Unions denounces the Central Govt’s decision to freeze, rather confiscate the increase in Dearness Allowance payable to Central Govt employees and pensioners falling due from January 2020 and also future dues, falling due on July 2020 and January 2021 on the plea of financial crisis arising out of COVID 19 vide Finance Ministry Order no 1/1/2020-E-II(B) dated 23rd April 2020.
No doubt, the country has been passing through a financial crisis but why should the workers and employees be made the sacrificial item for the same who themselves suffer most owing to Covid-19 followed by lockdown. Quite a number of employees are deployed and consequently are involved in various governmental activities and services meant to combat the spread of the pandemic Covid-19 especially of those departments declared as emergency services viz, health, postal, defence, railways etc. While taking such decision Govt did not bother to consult the unions and federations of the central govt employees, displaying rabid authoritarianism.
CITU strongly urges that response to financial crisis by the central govt must start with measures to garner resources where it is there aplenty at the disposal of handful of ultra rich class. As Per OXFAM Report, combined wealth amassed by only 63 billionaires in India is more that the total Union Budget in 2018-19 which was at Rs 24, 42, 200 crore. Top 10% of population cornered 77% of national wealth. Wealth of India’s richest 1 per cent is 4 times more than the bottom 70%. Govt must tap this huge accumulation of wealth with barely 5% of ultra-rich, amassed mostly through undue and illegitimate patronization of the economic policy regime, through appropriate direct taxation/wealth tax measures instead of brutally pouncing on the working peoples’ earnings and livelihood. And this right is vested with the Central Govt only
CITU strongly condemns this retrograde decision of the Central Govt to confiscate outright the legitimate dues of the employees and pensioners on account of increase in DA till January 2021, although prices of all essentials will continue to increase to further increase the profit of the big-business/corporate.
CITU demands withdrawal of this DA Confiscation order by the central government also demands that the state governments be extended financial help to enable continuity of variable DA payment to their employees. CITU calls upon the Govt employees’ movement in particular and the trade union movement in general to unitedly oppose this retrograde anti-worker measures.
(Tapan Sen)
General Secretary
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Monday, April 20, 2020
Sunday, April 19, 2020
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