Saturday, April 30, 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016

The flash strike against the recent PF Rules, 2016 of the Central Government (i.e., Centre’s new rule on Provident Fund withdrawal) by large section of Garment Factory Workers and other Industrial Workers of Karnataka State on 18th and 19th April 2016 received immense response and there was a massive protest which resulted in road blocks for hours together, thereby the entire traffic of Bengaluru City was paralyzed. The traffic was also severely affected on Mysore, Tumkur and Hosur roads.
The COC Karnataka extended moral support and sympathy for this Labour Movement. The February 10thnotification was under attack from trade unions from the beginning. The notification was published in the gazette onFebruary 26 and created technical problems.
The violence in Bengaluru prompted the Labour Ministry, Govt. of India to cancel the February 10 notification which put restrictions on 100% withdrawal from the PF account.Within few hours of protest in Bengaluru and other parts of Karnataka state , the Hon’ble Minsiter for Labour, Shri.Bandaru Dattatreya acted upon and withdrawn the notification issued on February 10th and informed that the old system will continue. This is a victory for the workers of the country.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Friday, April 15, 2016
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Monday, April 11, 2016
Saturday, April 9, 2016
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 mail: nfpehq@gmail.com
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981 Website: http://www.nfpe.blogspot.com
No. PF-01(e)/2016 Dated: 09th April, 2016
All General Secretaries NFPE Unions.
AT DEHRADUN ON 24 & 25 MAY, 2016
As per decision of the National Secretariat of Confederation, two days All India Trade Union Camp will be organized at Dehradun (Uttarakhand) on 24th & 25th May 2016.The trade union camp will commence at 10A.M. on 24.05.2016 and continue till 5 P.M. on 25.05.2016. All Delegates should ensure their presence throughout the duration of camp.
2.NFPE has been allotted quota of 60 Delegates. Accordingly the quota is allotted organization wise as noted below:
P-III-15, P-IV-15, R-III-10, R-IV-5, Admn-2, Postal Accounts-2, SBCO-2,Civil Wing-2, GDS-4, Casual Labourers-4.
3.Please allot quota accordingly circle wise and ensure participation. All Delegates should be instructed to book to and from tickets immediately to avoid inconvenience.
DELEGATE FEE: Rs. 600/- (Rs. Six hundred only)
Delegate Fee has been fixed per head.
While deciding delegates Confederation office bearers should also be taken into account.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Monday, April 4, 2016
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Saturday, April 2, 2016
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