The 2nd meeting of the MACP Committee was held on 15th September, 2010. The meeting was chaired by the Joint Secretary (Estt.) Department of Personnel and Training. We give hereunder a brief resume of the discussions on various issues taken up by the Staff Side.
1. Item No. 1, 9 and 29,46: The demand was to provide for Grade Pay of the next promotional post under MACP as was given in the old ACP Scheme. This has not been agreed to.
2. Item No.3. Option for each individual employee either to retain the old ACP scheme or to switch over to MACP. It was only agreed by the DOPT that they may consider giving option to the Department and not to the individual employee to retrain old ACP Scheme in respect of either the entire establishment of that Department or for a specific category or cadre of the employees of that Department. They also added that they may instruct the Administrative department to undertake restructuring of the cadres in consultation with the Staff Side which would secure quicker promotion.
3. Item No. 8. Anomaly in respect of Junior Engineers of CPWD. The Official side agreed that CPWD may ask for option to retain the old ACP in respect of Junior Engineers which will be considered.
4. Item No. 2, 10 and 48. The Scheme of MACP to be implemented with effect from 1.1.2006. Not agreed to.
5. Item No. 7.Grant of financial up-gradation under ACP between 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008 in respect of employees who have opted the revised Pay Band Grade Pay System with effect from 1.1.2006. Agreed to.
6. Item No. 4 and 26. Applicability of MACP scheme to Group D employees placed in the grade pay of Rs. 1800 in PB1. along with the benefit of 3% increment in each stage of up-gradation. Covered by the clarification already issued by the Department of personnel ( See their website)
7. Item No. 5 and 23. Counting of 50% of service rendered by a casual labourer with temporary status for reckoning the 10, 20 and 30 years of service for the purpose of MACP. They will examine the court ruling in this regard according which the entire casual service should count for the purpose of MACP.
8. Item No. 6. Supervised staff placed in higher grade pay than their supervisor. The item has been transferred to the National Anomaly Committee for discussion.
9. Item No.11 and 47. In the Railways and some other departments, promotion continues to be given in the merged pay scales, since these have not been functionally merged. It was demanded that in such promotion increment at the rate of 3% may be granted. The Official side has agreed to consider such cases, if taken up by the respective departments.
10. Item No. 15, 22, 39 and 51.These would be considered in the Anomaly Committee of Railways.
11. Item No. 12, 30 and 49. Those selected under LDCE/GBCE schemes may be treated as directly recruited personnel as was done in the case of old ACP scheme. The Official side agreed to look into it.
12. Item Nos. 13, 16. 24 , 50 and 58. It was pointed out that under old ACP scheme in case of an employee who were reverted from higher post to lower post at this request ( to enable him to get transfer to another recruiting unit) the service rendered by him in the higher post was counted for the benefit of ACP. This should be extended to the MACP as well. The Official side agreed to issue necessary clarification in this regard.
13. Item No.14. A departmental employee who has been appointed to a higher grade by virtue of his being selected in a Direct Recruitment Examination the ten, twenty and thirty years of service for the purpose of MACP to be reckoned from the date of such appointment. Necessary clarificatory order has been issued by the DOPT. ( Please see their website)
14. Item No. 16. The service rendered by an employee who had resigned may be counted if he is given re-employment for the purpose of MACP. The Official side wanted this item to be processed separately.
15. Item No. 17. The service rendered prior to removal or dismissal should count if he is reinstated on appeal or by Courts. The Official side stated that the past service will be considered if so ordered by the Court or the Appellate Authorities.
16. Item No. 36. The service rendered in a State Government/Statutory body /PSU before appointment in the Central Govt. to be counted for MACP. Not agreed to.
17. Item No. 37 and 38. Counting the probation period for the purpose of MACP. This is counted as per the scheme
18. Item No. 42. Application of MACP to a surplus hand redeployed to lower post. This is covered under the scheme.
19. Item No. 18 and 54. A person de-categorised on medical grounds to be treated as a fresh appointee. It was not agreed to .
20. Item No. 41. The service rendered in higher grade who have been redeployed in the lower post on medical de-categorised on medical grounds may be counted under the MACP. The official side agreed to reiterate Railway Board's order issued in the year 2005.
21. Item No. 19, 33 and 53. Stepping up benefit to seniors when the juniors get higher pay on account of financial up-gradation. The Supreme Court has given such an order. The Official side will examine this issue and the copy of the Supreme Court's order may be furnished to them.
22. Item No.20. The Account Assistants in the Railways when appointed on qualifying the Appendix II Examination may be treated as a fresh appointee and his past service in the lower post be ignored. The Railway Board to process this case separately.
23. Item No. 21.27 and 28. The Bench mark of good for entitlement to MACP benefit in cases where promotion to the higher posts is on the basis of seniority cum fitness may be done away with. Agreed to examine and issue necessary clarification.
24. Item No. 24, 40 and 45. Counting of Training period. The induction training period would be counted.
25. Item No. 25. The incentive may be given as applicable to the grade pay granted under MACP. This may be considered by the Railways.
26. Item No.31. Extension of MACP to Staff Car Drivers and other Drivers etc. The orders have been issued separately.
27. Item No.34. Pay fixation on promotion subsequent to the grant of MACP with an increment. This was not accepted.
28. Item No. 35. Notional classification for Central Government employees Insurance scheme for those with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 to be treated as Group B and covered by the scheme for Group B. Not accepted.
29. Item No.43. There are several illustrations given relating to Railway employees. These were not discussed and each case was asked to be processed separately.
30. Item No. 55. There are no provisions for grant of certain privileges/incentive on grant of MACP as was there in the old ACP scheme. The Item may be considered by the Railway administration.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
PIL on retirement age of civil servants A PIL was filed in the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court, seeking direction to extend the retirement age of officers of India Civil Services from 60 years to at least 65 years.
Neelendra Pandey, a local social worker, stated in his PIL that he is aggrieved with discrepancies in the retirement policy of different government services.
He said IAS, IPS and IFS officers retire at 60 years, while people of about 80 years and sometime even more continue as President, Prime Minister, Governor and Chief Minister, Minister and MLAs.
Professors and doctors of Central universities and institutions like AIIMS retire at 65 and primary school teachers retire at 62, Pandey said while terming the retirement policies as defective and challenging the same.
He requested the court to direct Central government to consider making a universal retirement policy for all public servants.
Source: PTI
Neelendra Pandey, a local social worker, stated in his PIL that he is aggrieved with discrepancies in the retirement policy of different government services.
He said IAS, IPS and IFS officers retire at 60 years, while people of about 80 years and sometime even more continue as President, Prime Minister, Governor and Chief Minister, Minister and MLAs.
Professors and doctors of Central universities and institutions like AIIMS retire at 65 and primary school teachers retire at 62, Pandey said while terming the retirement policies as defective and challenging the same.
He requested the court to direct Central government to consider making a universal retirement policy for all public servants.
Source: PTI
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Declaration of results of Union membership verification 2010
Declaration of results of Union membership verification 2010- Our NFPE 7 unions got recognition. The recognition process of service unions /Associations taken up by the Department has been completed and the Department declared resuts vide memo no 13/01/2010-SR dated 22-09-2010. As per results declared, All India RMS & MMS Employees Union , Mailguards and Multi Skilled Employees,got recognition for the next 5 years. R IV NFPE Congratulations to all the members participated in the membership verification process.
TO CLICK HERE view full text of Dircetorate memo.
TO CLICK HERE view full text of Dircetorate memo.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Department Issued Orders Hospitals recoginized by the State Governments/CGHS/CS (MA) Rules, 1944-Grant of permission for treatment in Any of the Hospital
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
No. 6-1/2006-Medical DakBhawan, Sansad Marg
NewDelhi -110001
Dated 14th September 2010
All Unions/ Associations
Sub:- Hospitals recoginized by the State Governments/CGHS/CS (MA) Rules, 1944-Grant of permission for treatment in Any of the Hospitals.
I am directed to forward herewith a copy of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi OM No.S-14025/7/2000-MS dated 28-3-2000 on the above subject for youe information guidelines and necessary action.
( Mahendra Kumar)
Assistant Director General ( Medical)
Tel No. 23036629
Monday, September 20, 2010
Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, Dated 10th September, 2010
Office Memorandum
The undersigned is directed to invite the attention of all Ministries/Departments of the Central Government to this Ministry’s O.M. No.F.7(5)-EV/89 dated 15th May, 1989 updating the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980.
2. The 6th Central Pay Commission in para 4.9.4. of its report has recommended that the rate of monthly subscription and the amount of insurance cover under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) should be enhanced 6 times. The Commission has also recommended up-gradation of Group D in the Government with all existing Group D employees being upgraded and placed in the entry grade of Group C. Accordingly, no separate slab for Group D has been recommended.
3. In view of the recommendations of 6th CPC, Department of Personnel & Training vide notification dated 9/4/2009 has classified the posts carrying the Grade Pay of 1800/- as Group C.
4. Therefore, it has been decided to enhance the monthly subscription towards CGEGIS and insurance coverage to the erstwhile Group ‘D’ employees placed in PB-1 with Grade Pay of 1800 and classified as Group ‘C’, @ ‘30/- per month from 1st January of the next calendar year i.e. January, 2011.
(Manoj Sahay)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Minutes of the meeting of Departmental Council (JCM)
Minutes of the meeting of Departmental Council (JCM) held under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P) & Chairperson, Departmental Council (JCM) on 27th August 2010.
For Download Minutes CLICK HERE
For Download Minutes CLICK HERE
Guidelines on Air Travel on LTC - Clarifications regard to purchase of Air Tickets...
No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV
Government of India
Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, dated the 16th September, 2010
Office Memorandum
Subject: Guidelines on Air Travel on Tours / LTC.This Department is receiving repeated references seeking clarifications with regard to purchase of Air tickets through authorized agents and relaxation for travel by Airlines other than Indian Airlines. The following guidelines may be noted for compliance:
1. On Official Tours :
(i) For travel by Airlines other than Air India because of operational or other reasons or on account of non-availability of Air India flights, individual cases for relaxation to be referred to M/o Civil Aviation, as stated in this Ministry's OM No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 13.07.09.
(ii) Air Tickets may be purchased directly from Airlines (at Booking counters/Website of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorized Travel Agents viz. M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company, M/s Ashok Travels & Tours.
2. LTC :
(i) Travel by Air India only.
(ii) In Economy class only, irrespective of entitlement.
(iii) LTC-80 ticket of Air India only to be purchased.
(iv) Air Tickets may be purchased directly from Airlines (at Booking counters / Website of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorized Travel Agents viz. M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company, M/s Ashok Travels & Tours and IRCTC (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoP&T OM No. 31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dt. 02.12.09).
3. LTC for J&K :
(i) Relaxation to travel by Private Airlines to visit J&K while availing LTC is available to all the categories of Govt. employees, including those entitled to travel by Air [DoPT OMs No. 31011/2/2003-Esst.(A-IV) dated 18.06.10 and 05.08.10 refer].
(ii) For purchase of Air tickets, however, the procedure as given under para 2 (iv) above should be followed.
4. All Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India are requested to strictly adhere to these instructions.
(Karan Singh)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Release of additional instalment of dearness allowance to Central Government employees and dearness relief to Pensioners due from 1.7.2010 to compensate for price rise The Union Cabinet today decided to release an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to pensioners w.e.f. 1.7.2010 representing an increase of 10% over the existing rate of 35% of the Basic Pay/Pension, to compensate for price rise.
The increase is in accordance with the accepted formula, which is based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission.
The combined impact on the exchequer on account of both Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief will be of the order of Rs. 9303.2 crore per annum and Rs. 6202.1 crore in the financial year 2010-2011 (for a period of 8 months from July,2010 to February, 2011).
Source: PIB
The increase is in accordance with the accepted formula, which is based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission.
The combined impact on the exchequer on account of both Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief will be of the order of Rs. 9303.2 crore per annum and Rs. 6202.1 crore in the financial year 2010-2011 (for a period of 8 months from July,2010 to February, 2011).
Source: PIB
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Stepping up of pay Senior Direct recruitees with Junior Direct recruited officials appointed on or after 1.1.2006
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Pay Commission Cell)
To Chief Postmaster General
AP Circle Hyderabad
Subject:- Stepping up of Pay of Senior Direct Recruit appointed before 01-01-2006 with Junior Direct Recruited official appointed on or after 01-01-2006 –case of Shri SV Ranga Reddy postman NR Peta SO under Kurnool Division.Shri SV Ranga Reddy was appointed as Postman in NR Peta SO on 01-07-2007. His pay was fixed at Rs.6100 with GP Rs.2000 as on 01-01-2006 under CCS (RP) Rules 2008 following implementation of 6th CPC recommendations based on his pre-revised basic pay of Rs.3275. He claimed stepping up of his pay with reference to his junior Shri S Chand Basha appointed as Postman in NR Beta SO on 08-01-2007. Shri S.Chand Basha was allowed basic pay of Rs.6460 with GP Rs.2000 as per Section II of Part A of the First Schedule to CCS (RP) rules 2008.
2. The case of the official was examined in this Directorate and referred to Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure for consideration. Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure Legal Cell under UO No. 18/28/2010 –Legal dated 30-08-2010 has agreed to the proposal for stepping up of the pay of the Senior direct5rly recruited official appointed before 01-01-2001 with his direct recruited junior appointed after 01-01-2006 subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions:-(a) Stepping up of basic pay of senior can be claimed only in the cases of those cadres which have an element of direct recruitment and in cases where a directly recruited junior is actually drawing more basic pay than the seniors. In such cases the basic pay of the senior will be stepped up with reference to the basic pay of directly recruited junior provided they belong to the same seniority list.
(b) Further, Government servants cannot claim stepping up of their revised basic pay with reference to entry pay in the revised pay structure for direct recruits appointed on or after 01-01-2006 as laid down in Section II of Part A of First Schedule to CCS (RP) rules 2008.if their cadre does not have an element of direct recruitment or in cases where no junior is drawing basic pay higher than them.
( c) Stepping up of pay of the seniors in accordance with the present advice of this Department shall not be applicable in cases where direct recruits have been granted advance increments at the time of recruitment.
3. The competent authority may accordingly consider the case of the official for stepping up of his pay subject to fulfillment of the conditions mentioned above.
4. The cases of the similar placed officials may also be considered by the competent authority in consultation with CIFA subject to fulfillment of the conditions mentioned above . The clarifications given by the Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure may not however be applied in cases of promotee officials promoted before 01-01-2006 with reference to their junior appointed as direct recruit on or after 01-01-2006 finding place in the same seniority list
( Surinder Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering safety categories with grade pay of Rs.1800/- Only in Railway - Why Not for Other Central Government Departments Employees ?
RBE No.131/2010.
New Delhi, dated 10.09.2010.
No.E(P&A)I -2010/RT-2
The General Managers,All Indian Railways.
Sub: Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering safety categories with grade pay of Rs.1800/-.
Please refer to Board’s letter No. E(P &A) I – 2001/RT-2 (KW) dated 02.01.2004 regarding introduction of safety related retirement scheme (SRRS) for Drivers and Gangmen.
2. It has now been decided to extend the benefit of scheme to other safety categories of staff with a grade pay of Rs. 1800/- p.m. The qualifying service has been reduced from 33 years to 20 years and the
eligibility age group from 55 – 57 years to 50 – 57 years for seeking retirement under the Scheme in the case of Safety categories with Grade Pay of Rs.1800. The list of safety categories covered under the scheme is enclosed as Annexure.
2.1 It has also been decided to modify the nomenclature of the scheme as Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS) with grade pay of Rs.1800. However, the employment under the scheme would be guaranteed only to those found eligible / suitable and finally selected as per procedure.
3. The condition of qualifying service (i.e. 33 years) and age group (i.e. 55 – 57 years) for Drivers will remain unchanged.
4. It is also reiterated that the retirement of the employee be considered only if the ward is found suitable in all respects. Retirement of the employee and appointment of the ward should take place simultaneously.
5. The other terms and conditions of the scheme will remain unchanged.
6. This issues with the concurrence of the finance directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
7. Kindly acknowledge the receipt.
8. Hindi version will follow.
(Dharam Pal)
Deputy Director Estt.(P & A) II, Railway Board.
ANNEXURE to Railway Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I – 2010/RT – 2 dated 11.09.2010.Safety Categories with grade pay of Rs. 1800.
A. Operating Department.
1- Pointsman 2- Shuntma 3- Leverman 4- Gateman 5- Traffic Porters
B. Civil Engeering Department.
1-Gateman 2-Trolley man 3-Key man
C. Signal and telecommunication Department.
1-Khalasi/Khalasi Helper re-designated as Helper Grade II & Grade I atched to ESM/MSM/TCM/WTM
D. Mechanical and Electrical Department.
1-Khalasi/Khalasi Helper re-designated as helper Grade II & Grade I assisting Loco Fitter / C&W Fitters in Diesel Sheds (Open Line & Workshops) EMU / Elec. Sheds (Open Line & Workshops) and Train Lighting & AC. Fitters (Open line & Workshops)
2- Crane Jamadar & Crane Khalasis.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
No. 35034/3/2008-Estt (D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment (D)
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated : 9thSeptember, 2010
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum of even number dated the 19th May, 2009 regarding the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS). Consequent upon introduction of the Scheme, clarifications have been sought by various Ministries / Departments about certain issues in connection with implementation of the MACPS. The doubts raised by varlous quarters have been duly examined and point-wise clarifications have accordingly been indicated in the Annexure. 2 The MACPS should strictly be Implemented in keeping wlth the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum of even number dated 19/05/2009 read with the aforesaid clarifications (Annexure).
3. All Ministries / Departrnents may give wide circulation to the contents of this O.M. for general guidance and appropriate action in the matter.
(Smita Kumar)
Director (Estt.I)
Retailing of New Pension Scheme through Post Offices begins...
Disbursement Of Wages Through Post Offices Under NREGS expands Retailing of New Pension Scheme through Post Offices begins
A Bouquet of Mutual funds “Ujjawal Bhavishya” in Post Offices Launched
The Department of Posts (DoP) opens about eight lakh new “Mahatma Gandhi NREGS’ accounts every month across the country. Till 30th June 2010 has DoP opened 4.48 crore accounts under the scheme and disbursed an amount of Rs. 3,406 crores in the current financial year. More than 95,000 post offices are engaged in disbursement of wages under MGNREGS.
In a tie up with Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority DoP has started retailing of New Pension Scheme (NPS) through post offices in the country. So far 5186 NPS accounts have been opened in Head Post Offices in 20 Postal Circles.
As a part of financial inclusion, the DoP in another tie up with UTI Mutual Fund has launched “Ujjawal Bhavishya”, a bouquet of mutual funds relating to Retirement Benefits Pension Fund, Mahila Unit Scheme and Children’s Carrer Balanced Funds in all post offices in the country. The scheme has the convenience of systematic investment plan. It will enable investors in small towns and cities to avail investment opportunities through post offices.
Source: PIB
A Bouquet of Mutual funds “Ujjawal Bhavishya” in Post Offices Launched
The Department of Posts (DoP) opens about eight lakh new “Mahatma Gandhi NREGS’ accounts every month across the country. Till 30th June 2010 has DoP opened 4.48 crore accounts under the scheme and disbursed an amount of Rs. 3,406 crores in the current financial year. More than 95,000 post offices are engaged in disbursement of wages under MGNREGS.
In a tie up with Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority DoP has started retailing of New Pension Scheme (NPS) through post offices in the country. So far 5186 NPS accounts have been opened in Head Post Offices in 20 Postal Circles.
As a part of financial inclusion, the DoP in another tie up with UTI Mutual Fund has launched “Ujjawal Bhavishya”, a bouquet of mutual funds relating to Retirement Benefits Pension Fund, Mahila Unit Scheme and Children’s Carrer Balanced Funds in all post offices in the country. The scheme has the convenience of systematic investment plan. It will enable investors in small towns and cities to avail investment opportunities through post offices.
Source: PIB
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Government of India Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts (Pay Commission Cell)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110116
All Heads of Circles, Dated: 06.09.2010
The Government considered the recommendations made by 6th CPC concerning Assured Career Progression Scheme vide Sub Para (iii) of Para 4 of Part A of Resolution No. 1/1/2008-IC dated29.08.2008 and notified vide Gazette Notification, Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 304 dated 29th Aug 2008. The contents of the accepted recommendation are reproduced below:-"the grade pay shall change at the time of financial upgradation under this scheme. The grade pay given at the time of financial upgradation under ACPS will be the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of the revised pay bands and grade pay being recommended. Thus, grade pay at the time of financial upgradation under ACPS can, in certain cases where regular promotion is not between two successive grades, be different than what is available at the time of regular promotion. In such cases, the higher grade pay attached to the next promotion post in the hierarchy of the concerned cad rei organization will be given only at the time of regular promotion."
2. In the light of the decision of the Government as aforesaid, it is clarified that erstwhile Group 0 now classified as Multi Tasking Staff Group C covered by ACP Scheme of Aug, 99 & having been allowed GP of Rs. 1800 in Pay Band of Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) would be eligible to Grade Pay of Rs. 1900 & GP Rs. 2000 on conferment of first and second financial upgradations respectively during the period from 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008 subject to fulfilment of prescribed terms and conditions.3. The issue of conferment of Grade Pays at the time of grant of financial upgradations under TBOP/BCR to erstwhile Group 0 officials covered by TBOP/BCR Scheme now classified as Multi Tasking Staff Group C having been allowed GP of Rs. 1800 from 01.01.2006 has been considered by the Department on the analogy of a similar decision taken with regard to the cadre of Postman & notified under No. 1-9/2008-PCC dated 22.12.2008 and in particular the decision of the Government concerning ACPS, which is also a scheme of financial upgradations; and it has now been decided that the erstwhile Group 0 in GP of Rs. 1800 as on 01.01.2006 and classified as Multi Tasking Staff Group C covered by TBOP/BCR scheme (exclusive to the Department) may also be allowed GP of Rs. 1900 & GP of Rs. 2000 while allowing TBOP & BCR respectively during the period from 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008 subject to fulfilment of prescribed terms and conditions.
This issues with the approval of Secretary (Posts).
(Surender Kumar-Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Congratulate all the Postal, RMS & MMS Employees including GDS & Casual Labourers who participated in the 7th September 2010 historic General Strike.
We salute all those who made the strike a grand success.This is one of the biggest strike in the post independent India.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Dated: 31.8.2010
The Chief Postmaster GeneralMaharashtra Circle, Mumbai-440001
Sub: Clarification regarding grade Pay to be allowed to Skilled Artisans working in MMS Workshops in respect of financial upgradations under New MACP Scheme.
Please refer to your office letter No.STA/10-35/MACPS\I,II,/MMS-2009 Dated 31-05-2010the subject mentioned above.
2. The issue has been examined in this office and I am directed to clarify that “Induction to the cadre of Skilled Artisan Grade-III) is in the pre-revised scale of Rs.3050-4590 (revised Pay Band of Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900). As per the promotional scheme 70% of Skilled Artisan remain in Pay Band Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) with Grade Pay Rs.1900 and designated as Artisan Grad-III. 15% Artisans are placed in Pay band Rs.5200-20200 (PB-1) with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400 and are designated as Artisan Grade –II and remaining 15% are placed in Pay Band Rs.5200-20200 (PB-1) with Grade Pay of Rs. 2800 and are designated as Artisan Percentage Pre-revised scale(5th CPC) Revised Scale(6th CPC)
Artisan Grade-III 70% 3050-4590 5200-20200+G.P.1900
Artisan Grade-II 15% 4000-6000 5200-20200+G.P.2400
Artisan Grade-I 15% 4500-7000 5200-20200+G.P.2800
The new MACPS effective from 01.09.2008 allows three financial upgradations counted from the direct entry on completion of 10, 20 and 30 years service. The scheme envisaged merely placement in the immediate nest higher grade pay in the hierarchy of the recommended revised pay grade and grade pays as given in Section I Part A of the first Schedule of CCS(RP) Rules,2008. Thus Artesian Grade-III in Pay Band of Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) on rendering 10 years continuous service in the grade pay of Rs. 1900 becomes eligible for fu\arts financial upgradation under MACPS to grade pay of Rs.2000 only in case he does not get promoted on regular basis to the Grade Pay of Rs.2400 as Artisan Grade-II.
In case , Artisan Grade –III not get financial upgradation / regular promotion, he will get Grade Pay 2000, Grade Pay 2400 and Grade Pay 2800 under MACP-I,MACP-II & MACP-III respectively. If an Artisans Grade-III gets two regular promotions to Grade-II & Grade-I, he will get 3rd MACP in the Grade PayRs.4200.”
(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Employees near retirement should not be disturbed: CAT
Govt employees near retirement should not be disturbed: CAT New Delhi, Sep 5 (PTI) The Central Administrative Tribunal has held that government employees on the verge of superannuation should not be disturbed merely because they have stayed for a considerably long period at a particular place.
The apex tribunal said that such a benefit should be extended to superannuating employees to retire peacefully at a particular place after years of dedicated service.
"Merely because the applicants have a long stay and the transfer order could not be implemented so far would not by itself constitute sufficient reason.
"There is an objective based on considerations of welfare behind such provision in the transfer policy as it would enable a person about to retire after a long and devoted service to make arrangements for settling down thereafter with his family, acquire a house if not already done," Member N D Dayal said.
Click here for PTI News
The apex tribunal said that such a benefit should be extended to superannuating employees to retire peacefully at a particular place after years of dedicated service.
"Merely because the applicants have a long stay and the transfer order could not be implemented so far would not by itself constitute sufficient reason.
"There is an objective based on considerations of welfare behind such provision in the transfer policy as it would enable a person about to retire after a long and devoted service to make arrangements for settling down thereafter with his family, acquire a house if not already done," Member N D Dayal said.
Click here for PTI News
RTI some Important Questions and Answers
Whether a Government Servant entitled to call for information from Government Departments including his own employer under Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI). We,of course said yes.
What is RTI?
Right to Information Act is an act to empower the citizens of a country to seek information held by the government. In our country, the RTI was enacted on the year 2005. The aim of the act is to make the functioning of the government as transparent as possible. It also enables the citizens to know how the taxpayers’ money is spent. Any citizen with no exemption can seek information under this act.
What sort of right is RTI?
RTI is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution of India. It comes under Article 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution which reads as follows:19. Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech etc
All citizens shall have the right (a)to freedom of speech and expression;
Who is barred from asking RTI Question?
The RTI Act says that ‘any citizen’ of this country can use RTI to get information. No one has been expressly excluded by the act from using this act i.e., the RTI act does not specifically mention that these people are barred from using this act. Even if you a government servant you can ask questions under this act. It is generally good not to mention your designation or place of working. Instead give your address of residence.
Can personal information be asked under this act?
No. If the personal information you seek for does not relate to public activity or interest or if the information sought for intrudes into the privacy (again privacy too is a fundamental right) of a person, it cannot be disclosed under this act. For example, ‘Annual Confidential Reports’ of an employee cannot be disclosed under this act. But if you are of an opinion such that the person information you ask for serves a large public interest, you must satisfy the PIO or Appellate Authority or the Information Commission as to how the information do so.
Can information about third party be asked under this act?
According to this act, “third party means a person other than the citizen making a request for information and includes a public authority”. Regarding disclosure of information relating to or provided by the third party, the act under section 11 stipulates following conditions:
The PIO must give a written notice to the third party (about whom the question is being asked) within five days of receipt of the application
The PIO must in his written notice mention that he intends to disclose the information or a part of it and ask the third party to make submission either orally or in writhing whether the information sought for may be disclosed or not
The PIO while taking decision regarding disclosure of third party information must take into consideration the submission of the third party.
The PIO may disclose if the public interest in disclosure outweighs in importance any possible harm or injury to the interests of such third party except in the case of trade or commercial secrets protected by law.
Should I give RTI application only in English language?
No. You can your RTI application in English or Hindi or the official language of your area. If a person is illiterate, he can approach the PIO of the office (from which he wants information) and orally tell him the RTI question and PIO must help him in all reasonable means to make his oral question into writing. As far as possible, the RTI request may be in the form of questions which are precise and concise instead of vague lengthy paragraphs to get the exact information you need. It is also a good method to send a RTI application either in a Speed Post or Registered Post with acknowledgement due so that you may be sure that the RTI application has been received and the acknowledgement would also serve the purpose of proof in further appeals. Even if you give an RTI application, get an acknowledgement that your application has been received by the concerned authority.
Which are all the entities bound to reply under RTI?
The required information can be obtained from any ‘public authority’ which includes almost any entity constituted under the authority of the Constitution of India, or by the laws enacted by the state or central legislatures or by any notification issued by the government.Almost any government departments and organizations including corporation, municipalities, panchayats and public sector undertakings except the organisations mentioned in the second schedule to the act like IB, RAW, DRI, para-military forces etc., (download RTI Act in this page
Information can be obtained through this act from even non-governmental organisations or any other organisation whose substantial fund comes from the government (either by the state or central government).
To whom I should address? And how?
State governmental departments / organisations have ‘State Public Information Officers’ and the Central governmental departments / organisations have ‘Central Public Information Officers’. The application can be sent through post and should have your questions, address and a fees of Rs.10 in the form of Indian Postal Order, DD, or if give your application in person Rs.10 in cash (but don’t forget to get the receipt). Some state governments have prescribed different fees which can be obtained from the concerned public authority of state government. Even though the application can be sent on e-mail, it is necessary to send a hard copy along-with the prescribed fees. So, it is better to apply either in person or post.
Should we state the reason for asking information under RTI?
The good thing about this act is that you need not state the reason to ask for any information.
What is the next course of RTI Application not pertaining to the authority to whom it was sent?
Another good part of this act is that if a RTI application is sent to a wrong public authority i.e application seeking information is not pertaining to the authority to whom application is sent, it becomes the responsibility of that particular public authority to send the application to the correct place and also to intimate the applicant on this.
Who is Public Information Officer?
Every central and state government departments and organisations have designated ‘Public Information Officer’ (PIO) to answer the queries made under this act.
What if I do not know the details of Public Information Officer of the department from which I require the information?
If the designation of the PIO is not known, simply the application can be addressed to ‘SPIO / CPIO (State / Central Public Information Officer), C/o. the Head of Department’ (for example ‘SPIO, C/o. the Superintendent of Police’ or ‘CPIO, C/o. the Cabinet Secretary’). Then it becomes the responsibility of the concerned head of the department to forward the application to the concerned officer.
Is there any prescribed format for asking the information?
There is no prescribed format for asking information. Questions can be written on a plain paper addressing to the designation of the PIO of the concerned state or central government departments.
What is the time limit for providing the reply?
The information must be provided within thirty days of receipt of the application by the concerned department and within 48 hours if it concerns life or liberty of a person.
Can I ask the information in electronic form? In other words, as a data file of a particular format in CD?
You can also ask information in electronic form if the same is available with the authority concerned.
What are all my other rights under this Act apart from getting reply in letter form? Not only you can ask information under this act, you can inspect the documents, records and also can take photo copies of the documents / records with the amount of fees prescribed under this act. You can take samples from the material by paying the prescribed fee.
What is the procedure for asking more fees than the prescribed amount of Rs.10/- for providing information?
If extra fee is solicited by a PIO for providing information other than the prescribed fee then the applicant must be intimated in writing with calculation details of how the figure was arrived at. The fee is not applicable if the same is intimated after the expiry of the prescribed time and also to the people living below poverty line for which they must provide a certificate from the concerned government authority.
Whether the PIO can reject the RTI application without providing the information?
No. Except for the information that is excluded from being provided under Section 8 of the RTI Act, any other information must be provided. Also, the Organisations which are mentioned to the Schedule II to the Act need not also provide information. But these organisations must also provide information to those queries if those queries relate to corruption or human right violations. The information to the questions relating to violation of human rights must be provided by these organisation only with the approval of Central / State Information Commission.
Following information cannot be obtained:
the information compromise the integrity, sovereignty and security of the country
the information demanded affect the economic, scientific interests of the country
the information that would affect the relationship of the country with other countries
the information that could be used to incite an offence
the information which could cause breach of privilege of legislatures i.e., parliament / state assembly or state legislature
In such circumstances RTI application can be rejected.
Then the PIO must provide the reasons for the rejections, the particulars of appellate authority and the time limit for filing appeal.
What is appeal Procedure?
The applicant must first appeal to the appellate authority (specified in the rejection letter of the PIO) along-with your original application. Again there is no prescribed format and no fees for this. The Second Appeal lies either to State Information Commission or Central Information Commission if the subject department / organisation fall under the purview of state or central government as the case may be. We can also launch complaint / appeal to Central Information Commission through the following link
Can I approach any other court regarding RTI issue?
Yes. As said earlier, RTI being a fundamental right, you can approach Supreme Court (under Article 32 of the Constitution) or High Court (under Article 226 of the Constitution) and file Writ Petitions and get remedy. Getting remedy from the Supreme Court or High Court itself is a fundamental right.
How does RTI become fundamental right according to this article?
The Supreme Court held in the case of ‘Raj Narainvs State of UP’:
“People cannot speak or express themselves unless they know”.It is the view of the Supreme Court that if a citizen of a country does not know how the government that rules that too with the money of taxpayers functions, he cannot speak or express effectively because his knowledge is restricted as he has no knowledge of how the government is functioning. So to ensure that the fundamental right 19 (1) (a) enshrined by the constitution is enjoyed by the citizens, it becomes implicit that the government is bound to part with the information it has. Thus the right to information is indirectly guaranteed by the constitution.
What if the RTI is a fundamental right or legal right?
If a particular right is a fundamental right then there is a good advantage. Unlike any other right like natural right or legal right, you can approach Supreme Court or High Court if you are denied of a fundamental right. Writ Jurisdiction of either the Supreme Court or High Court can be invoked to get remedy if there is an infringement of fundamental rights.
Official Secrets Act Vs. RTI. Which Act over rules?
Official Secrets Act, 1923 (a legacy of the colonial regime) still exists and the information whose disclosure is not permitted under that Act cannot be disclosed under the RTI Act too. The RTI activists want amendments in the Official Secrets Act to make it synchronise with the RTI ACT. The Official Secrets Act restricts the full functionality of RTI.
What is RTI?
Right to Information Act is an act to empower the citizens of a country to seek information held by the government. In our country, the RTI was enacted on the year 2005. The aim of the act is to make the functioning of the government as transparent as possible. It also enables the citizens to know how the taxpayers’ money is spent. Any citizen with no exemption can seek information under this act.
What sort of right is RTI?
RTI is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution of India. It comes under Article 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution which reads as follows:19. Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech etc
All citizens shall have the right (a)to freedom of speech and expression;
Who is barred from asking RTI Question?
The RTI Act says that ‘any citizen’ of this country can use RTI to get information. No one has been expressly excluded by the act from using this act i.e., the RTI act does not specifically mention that these people are barred from using this act. Even if you a government servant you can ask questions under this act. It is generally good not to mention your designation or place of working. Instead give your address of residence.
Can personal information be asked under this act?
No. If the personal information you seek for does not relate to public activity or interest or if the information sought for intrudes into the privacy (again privacy too is a fundamental right) of a person, it cannot be disclosed under this act. For example, ‘Annual Confidential Reports’ of an employee cannot be disclosed under this act. But if you are of an opinion such that the person information you ask for serves a large public interest, you must satisfy the PIO or Appellate Authority or the Information Commission as to how the information do so.
Can information about third party be asked under this act?
According to this act, “third party means a person other than the citizen making a request for information and includes a public authority”. Regarding disclosure of information relating to or provided by the third party, the act under section 11 stipulates following conditions:
The PIO must give a written notice to the third party (about whom the question is being asked) within five days of receipt of the application
The PIO must in his written notice mention that he intends to disclose the information or a part of it and ask the third party to make submission either orally or in writhing whether the information sought for may be disclosed or not
The PIO while taking decision regarding disclosure of third party information must take into consideration the submission of the third party.
The PIO may disclose if the public interest in disclosure outweighs in importance any possible harm or injury to the interests of such third party except in the case of trade or commercial secrets protected by law.
Should I give RTI application only in English language?
No. You can your RTI application in English or Hindi or the official language of your area. If a person is illiterate, he can approach the PIO of the office (from which he wants information) and orally tell him the RTI question and PIO must help him in all reasonable means to make his oral question into writing. As far as possible, the RTI request may be in the form of questions which are precise and concise instead of vague lengthy paragraphs to get the exact information you need. It is also a good method to send a RTI application either in a Speed Post or Registered Post with acknowledgement due so that you may be sure that the RTI application has been received and the acknowledgement would also serve the purpose of proof in further appeals. Even if you give an RTI application, get an acknowledgement that your application has been received by the concerned authority.
Which are all the entities bound to reply under RTI?
The required information can be obtained from any ‘public authority’ which includes almost any entity constituted under the authority of the Constitution of India, or by the laws enacted by the state or central legislatures or by any notification issued by the government.Almost any government departments and organizations including corporation, municipalities, panchayats and public sector undertakings except the organisations mentioned in the second schedule to the act like IB, RAW, DRI, para-military forces etc., (download RTI Act in this page
Information can be obtained through this act from even non-governmental organisations or any other organisation whose substantial fund comes from the government (either by the state or central government).
To whom I should address? And how?
State governmental departments / organisations have ‘State Public Information Officers’ and the Central governmental departments / organisations have ‘Central Public Information Officers’. The application can be sent through post and should have your questions, address and a fees of Rs.10 in the form of Indian Postal Order, DD, or if give your application in person Rs.10 in cash (but don’t forget to get the receipt). Some state governments have prescribed different fees which can be obtained from the concerned public authority of state government. Even though the application can be sent on e-mail, it is necessary to send a hard copy along-with the prescribed fees. So, it is better to apply either in person or post.
Should we state the reason for asking information under RTI?
The good thing about this act is that you need not state the reason to ask for any information.
What is the next course of RTI Application not pertaining to the authority to whom it was sent?
Another good part of this act is that if a RTI application is sent to a wrong public authority i.e application seeking information is not pertaining to the authority to whom application is sent, it becomes the responsibility of that particular public authority to send the application to the correct place and also to intimate the applicant on this.
Who is Public Information Officer?
Every central and state government departments and organisations have designated ‘Public Information Officer’ (PIO) to answer the queries made under this act.
What if I do not know the details of Public Information Officer of the department from which I require the information?
If the designation of the PIO is not known, simply the application can be addressed to ‘SPIO / CPIO (State / Central Public Information Officer), C/o. the Head of Department’ (for example ‘SPIO, C/o. the Superintendent of Police’ or ‘CPIO, C/o. the Cabinet Secretary’). Then it becomes the responsibility of the concerned head of the department to forward the application to the concerned officer.
Is there any prescribed format for asking the information?
There is no prescribed format for asking information. Questions can be written on a plain paper addressing to the designation of the PIO of the concerned state or central government departments.
What is the time limit for providing the reply?
The information must be provided within thirty days of receipt of the application by the concerned department and within 48 hours if it concerns life or liberty of a person.
Can I ask the information in electronic form? In other words, as a data file of a particular format in CD?
You can also ask information in electronic form if the same is available with the authority concerned.
What are all my other rights under this Act apart from getting reply in letter form? Not only you can ask information under this act, you can inspect the documents, records and also can take photo copies of the documents / records with the amount of fees prescribed under this act. You can take samples from the material by paying the prescribed fee.
What is the procedure for asking more fees than the prescribed amount of Rs.10/- for providing information?
If extra fee is solicited by a PIO for providing information other than the prescribed fee then the applicant must be intimated in writing with calculation details of how the figure was arrived at. The fee is not applicable if the same is intimated after the expiry of the prescribed time and also to the people living below poverty line for which they must provide a certificate from the concerned government authority.
Whether the PIO can reject the RTI application without providing the information?
No. Except for the information that is excluded from being provided under Section 8 of the RTI Act, any other information must be provided. Also, the Organisations which are mentioned to the Schedule II to the Act need not also provide information. But these organisations must also provide information to those queries if those queries relate to corruption or human right violations. The information to the questions relating to violation of human rights must be provided by these organisation only with the approval of Central / State Information Commission.
Following information cannot be obtained:
the information compromise the integrity, sovereignty and security of the country
the information demanded affect the economic, scientific interests of the country
the information that would affect the relationship of the country with other countries
the information that could be used to incite an offence
the information which could cause breach of privilege of legislatures i.e., parliament / state assembly or state legislature
In such circumstances RTI application can be rejected.
Then the PIO must provide the reasons for the rejections, the particulars of appellate authority and the time limit for filing appeal.
What is appeal Procedure?
The applicant must first appeal to the appellate authority (specified in the rejection letter of the PIO) along-with your original application. Again there is no prescribed format and no fees for this. The Second Appeal lies either to State Information Commission or Central Information Commission if the subject department / organisation fall under the purview of state or central government as the case may be. We can also launch complaint / appeal to Central Information Commission through the following link
Can I approach any other court regarding RTI issue?
Yes. As said earlier, RTI being a fundamental right, you can approach Supreme Court (under Article 32 of the Constitution) or High Court (under Article 226 of the Constitution) and file Writ Petitions and get remedy. Getting remedy from the Supreme Court or High Court itself is a fundamental right.
How does RTI become fundamental right according to this article?
The Supreme Court held in the case of ‘Raj Narainvs State of UP’:
“People cannot speak or express themselves unless they know”.It is the view of the Supreme Court that if a citizen of a country does not know how the government that rules that too with the money of taxpayers functions, he cannot speak or express effectively because his knowledge is restricted as he has no knowledge of how the government is functioning. So to ensure that the fundamental right 19 (1) (a) enshrined by the constitution is enjoyed by the citizens, it becomes implicit that the government is bound to part with the information it has. Thus the right to information is indirectly guaranteed by the constitution.
What if the RTI is a fundamental right or legal right?
If a particular right is a fundamental right then there is a good advantage. Unlike any other right like natural right or legal right, you can approach Supreme Court or High Court if you are denied of a fundamental right. Writ Jurisdiction of either the Supreme Court or High Court can be invoked to get remedy if there is an infringement of fundamental rights.
Official Secrets Act Vs. RTI. Which Act over rules?
Official Secrets Act, 1923 (a legacy of the colonial regime) still exists and the information whose disclosure is not permitted under that Act cannot be disclosed under the RTI Act too. The RTI activists want amendments in the Official Secrets Act to make it synchronise with the RTI ACT. The Official Secrets Act restricts the full functionality of RTI.
Friday, September 3, 2010
The department has today released orders on discharge benefits scheme which is in lieu of pensionary benefits and the existing severance amount scheme. This scheme is optional for the existing GDS employees and compulsory for those entering into service from 1.1.2011.The GDS who are left with only three years or less service shall not be eligible. For opted to new scheme, the severance amount @ Rs.1500 per annum for every completed years of service will be added to the accumulated contributions at the time of discharge for annuitization.
Govt shall contribute Rs200/- and no recovery from GDS. The contributions shall be credited to the Trustee bank designated by the PFRDA.
Not eligible during Put off periods, Provisional appointments and substitutes.
On promotion, the accumulations shall be transferred under New Pension Scheme.
On attaining the age of 58,the GDS can withdraw 20% of the accumulations.
At the time of discharge 60% will be paid. 40% shall be invested for purchase a Life Annuity from Insurance Company.
On removal & dismissal no amount will be paid.
Option should be given before 30.9.2010. The full text of the orders scanned for every ones notice. SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING

Govt shall contribute Rs200/- and no recovery from GDS. The contributions shall be credited to the Trustee bank designated by the PFRDA.
Not eligible during Put off periods, Provisional appointments and substitutes.
On promotion, the accumulations shall be transferred under New Pension Scheme.
On attaining the age of 58,the GDS can withdraw 20% of the accumulations.
At the time of discharge 60% will be paid. 40% shall be invested for purchase a Life Annuity from Insurance Company.
On removal & dismissal no amount will be paid.
Option should be given before 30.9.2010. The full text of the orders scanned for every ones notice. SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the IT Modernization Project - Handheld devices will be provided to all the Grameen Dak Sevak (GDS) Post Offices
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the IT Modernization Project – Phase-II proposal of the Department of Posts. The decision is to computerize all the Departmental and Grameen Dak Sevak (GDS) posts offices in the country. The approval has also been accorded for creation of IT infrastructure including establishment of Data Centre, Networking of the Departmental post offices, development of scalable, integrated and modular software for all the operations of the Department of Posts. The Project will be implemented over a three year period covering 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13. The total expenditure involved in this project will be Rs.1877.20 crore and it will cover all the Post Offices throughout the country in all the State and Union Territories. The Department of Posts will be floating tenders for procurement of hardware and development of software. Pilots will be held in rural and urban post offices. The final roll out will be completed by September 2012.
Handheld devices will be provided to all the Grameen Dak Sevak (GDS) Post Offices in the rural areas and necessary software application developed. Banking solution will be implemented for the Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) scheme. Software Integration solutions will be developed for mail operations enabling tracking solutions for all registered and Speed Post articles.
The Postal Life Insurance services will be available in all the Post Offices including rural pot offices in the country through computers and rural ICT devices. Comprehensive training will be given to staff in Customer relations, application, IT management and system training skills.
Background: The Post Office presently handles 654 crore pieces of mail annually. POSB has a corpus fund of Rs.5,63,000 crore. Significant trends like liberalization and globalization; urbanization, increased demand for financial services, increased funding by government for weaker sections and rural sector, make it imperative that India Post develop new processes and supporting technology.
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Handheld devices will be provided to all the Grameen Dak Sevak (GDS) Post Offices in the rural areas and necessary software application developed. Banking solution will be implemented for the Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) scheme. Software Integration solutions will be developed for mail operations enabling tracking solutions for all registered and Speed Post articles.
The Postal Life Insurance services will be available in all the Post Offices including rural pot offices in the country through computers and rural ICT devices. Comprehensive training will be given to staff in Customer relations, application, IT management and system training skills.
Background: The Post Office presently handles 654 crore pieces of mail annually. POSB has a corpus fund of Rs.5,63,000 crore. Significant trends like liberalization and globalization; urbanization, increased demand for financial services, increased funding by government for weaker sections and rural sector, make it imperative that India Post develop new processes and supporting technology.
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